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6 of Venus's Greatest Secrets

Although the second planet in this solar system has a name similar to the goddess of love for Rome but the planet it's not full of love. For starters, the surface of the planet reaches 900 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Therefore, this second planet has been named as the hottest planet in the solar system. More worse, thick blanket of carbon dioxide pressing 92 times the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere on dry landscape.

A dull cloud blocking the view on the surface the planet is sulfuric acid.
 As you can imagine, studying Venus proved to be a difficult job.

 Little by few, scientists study more regarding the neighbors of the Earth. Following some of the greatest mysteries regarding objects the brightest in the sky after the sun and month.


 Venus is sometimes referred to as the 'twin' evil 'Earth. In size, composition and the location of the orbit, Venus's hell is actually a planet similar to Earth.
 Early in the history of Venus, para scientists suspect the world is very similar Earth, with oceans and cooler climates. However, over several billion years, the existing greenhouse effect is very take effect.
 Venus is about a third more near the sun compared to Earth. 
Therefore, Venus gets sunlight twice more. This extra heat causes great evaporation at the surface of the water. In the end, water vapor is trapped hot which is hotter. 
Further heating the planet triggers more evaporation until the ocean dries up and disappear.

 "This mechanism makes sense from the early Venus which the Earth became Venus at this time, " 

said the curator of Astrobiology David Grinspoon at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

Interdisciplinary scientists on the Venus mission Express, a spaceship orbiting Venus since 2006, this is looking for know the exact time and how of Venus be a 'furnace' to help modeling of climate change on Earth and save the Earth from a similar fate Venus.


 Venus revolves around its axis much more slowly from Earth. 
As a result, a year on Venus is similar 243 days on Earth. Based on this, it is known the wind at the top of Venus's clouds can reach 360 km / h or 60 times the turning speed the planet. 
Proportionally, if the wind is similar appeared on Earth, the equatorial cloud wind reach amazing speeds, 9650 km / hr. The driver of Venus's rapid rotation is sunlight energy, said Grinspoon. 
However, how to work full this phenomenon remains a mystery.


 When viewed from the north pole of the sun, all planets in the solar system orbit the sun in the opposite direction and everything almost rotates in the direction of its axis. However not for Venus.
 This second planet has retrograde rotation like Uranus. That is, the sun rises from the west and set in the east on the planet.
 Rotation This clockwise direction may be the result of a collision early cosmic history in Venus. 

4. MYSTERIOUS Lightning 

Lightning from the clouds of Venus until now still be an open question. 
Although the plane space Venus Express has 'hear' static electromagnetic ones characteristically produces lightning on Earth, the camera has never 'caught' This lightning, said Grinspoon.

How to form lightning is also still mysterious. On Earth, a key role is played ice crystal cloud. On Venus, supply this material very little is found in its atmosphere very dry.


 Grinspoon acknowledged the argument make sense regarding the life of Venus, not on the surface of a super planet The heat is however in the clouds. 
Around 50 km on the cloud there should be a place habitable which has pressure and temperature like Earth. To get energy, beings floating resembling bacteria can using sunlight or materials chemistry in the cloud. Surely, this creature will tolerate sulfuric acid. 
On the other hand, extremophiles on Earth show, life can develop in the environment the loudest though.

 "It is necessary roaming the cloud for various reasons. One of them is the possibility of existence this exotic life, " concluded Grinspoon.

6. Comparison of Planets, Sun, Stars, Nebula, Galaxy Venus- Death of a Planet ??

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