G-D00XZP85S3 6 Apple Products That Are Worth The Money 🀯 12 Twitter Alternatives 🐦 What is a Trojan Horse? ⚠️ - KangMus Official
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6 Apple Products That Are Worth The Money 🀯 12 Twitter Alternatives 🐦 What is a Trojan Horse? ⚠️

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11 Nov 2022
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6 Apple Products That Are Actually Worth Their Price Tag
6 Apple Products That Are Actually Worth Their Price Tag
Apple products are expensive, but some of them are worth their price and will give you good value for your money.
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12 Twitter Alternatives Worth Considering
12 Twitter Alternatives Worth Considering
Think it's time to leave Twitter behind for good? One of these Twitter alternatives might be your new online home.
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Apple Was Right to Get Rid of the 3.5mm Headphone Jack. Here's Why
Apple Was Right to Get Rid of the 3.5mm Headphone Jack. Here's Why
We'll explain why Apple's decision to ditch the beloved headphone jack back in 2017 makes sense today.
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What Is a Trojan Horse in Cybersecurity? How Does It Work?
What Is a Trojan Horse in Cybersecurity? How Does It Work?
Most people have heard of Trojan malware, but what is it? What are the most prevalent types? And how can you stay safe?
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Google Street View has been the best tool to travel around the world. A simple but fun update on Google Street View allows you to travel back in time.
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How to Block a Website With a Password on Windows
How to Block a Website With a Password on Windows
Here's how to lock a website behind a password on Windows to help protect the ones you love.
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How to Fix YouTube Videos Lagging on Android
How to Fix YouTube Videos Lagging on Android
Find out what you can do if YouTube videos won't play smoothly on your Android devices.
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Your Own Social Network: How to Set Up a Mastodon Instance on Linux
Your Own Social Network: How to Set Up a Mastodon Instance on Linux
If you want to get people talking, you can create your own social network with Mastodon. All you need is a web domain and server to get started.
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Improve Your Wellbeing and Boost Your Productivity With These 30-Day Challenges
Improve Your Wellbeing and Boost Your Productivity With These 30-Day Challenges
Life can get busy with work, relationships, and school—the list goes on. Sometimes we just need that little boost to get us back on track.

That's why we've put together a list of 30-day challenges, available in a free PDF cheat sheet. The challenges are designed to help you craft a path to health and fitness, happiness, and personal growth. From yoga to meditation to meal plans, these specialized activities will help you break out of a routine and reach your goals, using technology to support you along the way.

Tackling a challenge for 30 days is the perfect amount of time to assess whether it's something that's going to work for you in the long term. If it doesn't, don't fret; at least you've tried something new.
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