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FREE EBOOK πŸ“£ Leading with Empathy (Worth $17)

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18 Nov 2022
Learn to Lead Others Through Adversity With This Free Ebook, Worth $17.
Leading with Empathy: Understanding the Needs of Today's Workforce
Acclaimed strategist and business leader Dr. Gautham Pallapa presents an insightful roadmap to leading people through adversity and empowering humans in the workplace, the home, and society.

Through this book, the author examines the impact of recent world-shaking events and how they have impacted us as a species and as individuals.

He also explores how empathy can help alleviate some of the more harmful effects of hardship and offers key actions that empathic leaders can take to inspire their followers. Finally, the book describes how to transform the way we work by rethinking and reimagining existing processes and innovatively introducing strategic disruption.

An essential read for executives, managers, and business leaders of all types, Leading with Empathy will also earn a place on the bookshelves of military, athletic, and educational leaders who seek to inspire their followers and empower humanity in the face of adversity.
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