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5 How to Overcome Adsense Ads Limited 100% Success

 5 How to Overcome Adsense Ads Limited 100% Success - In this article I will share " how to overcome limited adsense ad serving." Including you are lucky if you find this article. This article was first published with the keyword " how to overcome restricted adsense ads ."

Until now, I still believe that experience is the best teacher. I think you will agree too.

Looking for tutorials is not enough unless we often experiment and practice ourselves until we find a best solution for it.

If we only rely on tutorials, I don't think it will be enough for us to become growing bloggers.

I am not so confused when adsense serving is limited. It's just that, I am a bit disappointed because I also often read Google adsense policies.

Of course, I wouldn't violate it if I understood the policy.

There is one reason that you must understand regarding this adsense account serving restriction.

Please listen carefully, don't comment before reading to the top.

Blog Traffic Is Still Little, This Is The Cause

Admittedly or not, little traffic is one of the reasons why your adsense ads are restricted. Usually, Google gives this notification with the reason "Invalid traffic."

After updating its policy, Google adsense will continue to monitor the traffic of its publishers.

In fact, not only that, Google Adsense will also monitor the quality of your content.

Including content that contains konok'an, illegal or pirated software, misleading content, fraudulent content, foolish content, and many more content that Google thinks is useless.

If you violate this policy, of course Google will be happy to ban your account.

If you feel like you've never created content like the ones mentioned above, but views are still limited, don't panic !. I have a surefire way to solve this problem.

How to Overcome Limited AdSense Ad Serving

1. Associate your AdSense Account with - Google Analytics

First, all you have to do is associate a restricted adsense account with Google Analytics.

After linking it, then you have to post it on the blog.

This aims to keep Google focused on monitoring your blog traffic later, even though without Google analytics, Google would have been able to monitor your blog. However, according to my experience, you should have to install it.

2. Do not Install (Script) Ads When Serving is limited

After linking your adsense account with Google analytics, and have installed it, you don't install the adsense ad script just yet.

Even though you install a script, the ad will still be blank, of course this will greatly disturb the comfort of your blog readers.

So, it's best if you don't put an ad script first when serving is limited. Leave it alone.

3. Create Content that is Memorable, If possible, Controversial

Google always reminds its publishers this way

Unfortunately we often ignore these messages and only focus on adsense income.

I often read information and news at detik.com . The updated Indonesian website which is currently ranked 5th in the Indonesian version of Alexa rank .

For content problems on detik.com . I think you already understand, even though it's always updated every second. Sometimes the content presented is not so important.

Even though it's not that important, the website already has a name in cyberspace.

What made them great?

Because they have a special strategy to make the website big and become a barometer for people who are looking for the latest news.

One of the best ways you can use to make your website as large as they are is to create content that is contentious (controversial).

You can read examples of controversial content that I have made. This article was previously published in Jawa Pos , Radar Tuban and then I posted it again on this blog with the aim of making it viral on social media.

It didn't take long, this article went viral. Village officials also visited me because of this article on social media. Because the data is valid as well as interviews in direct locations, of course this article has strong credibility, not a hoax article.

You can also create content that is "controversial." However, it must be accounted for.

That way, your content will be visited by many people.

This is fine, as long as it doesn't smell like fraud or if it violates Google policies, or misleads others. Google also advises its publishers to create unique , interesting , easy-to-understand content that also attracts the attention of visitors. As I said earlier, “ make content that is controversial. "

That way, slowly your blog will have a name in cyberspace.

4. Please Wait A Few Days

After you apply the three methods above, please wait a few days, don't forget to always check your adsense account dashboard after six days of restrictions, Google analytics installation that has been mentioned.

I am sure, this method will work because I have practiced it on my other blogs.

Note: this is important!

If your adsense is no longer restricted, then you still feel that the traffic is not very supportive to advertise. Don't put an ad script just yet, you should focus on your blog content first.

Don't keep looking at your own page with the same ( IP) when the page has the adsense script installed. This will have a negative impact on your own adsense account when your blog traffic is still low.

5. Pray

No matter how great humans are, humans can only plan and try. Don't forget one thing, pray. Because God determines.

Good luck and good luck. You can share this article if you find it helpful.

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