|  | | The web is a bit of a wild west. While hosting companies and domain providers can lay down regulations, that doesn't mean you can always browse safely. There are unscrupulous people out there who are looking to take advantage of you—infect your system with a virus, steal your data, hack your accounts, and so on. | | It's for that reason that you need to be sensible when you're browsing online. You need to browse safe websites, download only from trusted sources, and use different passwords for every service. | | To help you out, we've put together this guide that's packed full of handy tips to consider when you're browsing online. We've covered advice around passwords, social media, emails, and more. | | | | See more free offers like these | Forward this offer to a friend | | This is a third-party offer organised through our distribution service, TradePub. You will be required to fill in a short form to access the download, which you will only have to do once. By doing so, you agree to TradePub's privacy policy. | | | | | |
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