G-D00XZP85S3 Clear Junk From Android 🧹 How Does The Great Firewall of China Work? πŸ”’ - KangMus Official
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Clear Junk From Android 🧹 How Does The Great Firewall of China Work? πŸ”’

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2 Nov 2022
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Build a Solid Foundation in DevOps With This FREE Ebook, Worth $38.
Build a Solid Foundation in DevOps With This FREE Ebook, Worth $38.
This book presents the different patterns and tools for provisioning and configuring an infrastructure in the cloud, covering mostly open source tools with a large community contribution, such as Terraform, Ansible, and Packer, which are assets for automation.

By the end of this book, you'll have built a solid foundation in DevOps and developed the skills necessary to enhance a traditional software delivery process using modern software delivery tools and techniques.

Interested?Hurry! This free offer expires on 3 Nov 2022.
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