G-D00XZP85S3 ⚠️ Do NOT Buy a Smart TV -- ChatGPT On Mobile -- Common Issues With Windows 11 - KangMus Official
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⚠️ Do NOT Buy a Smart TV -- ChatGPT On Mobile -- Common Issues With Windows 11

9 May 2023 sign up
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FREE EBOOK 📣 Mastering Windows Security (Worth $41)
FREE EBOOK 📣 Mastering Windows Security (Worth $41)
Are you looking for the most current and effective ways to protect Windows-based systems from being compromised by intruders? This updated second edition is a detailed guide that helps you gain the expertise to implement efficient security measures and create robust defense solutions using modern technologies.

The first part of the book covers security fundamentals with details around building and implementing baseline controls. As you advance, you'll learn how to effectively secure and harden your Windows-based systems through hardware, virtualization, networking, and identity and access management (IAM).

The second section will cover administering security controls for Windows clients and servers with remote policy management using Intune, Configuration Manager, Group Policy, Defender for Endpoint, and other Microsoft 365 and Azure cloud security technologies.

In the last section, you'll discover how to protect, detect, and respond with security monitoring, reporting, operations, testing, and auditing.

By the end of this book, you'll have developed an understanding of the processes and tools involved in enforcing security controls and implementing zero-trust security principles to protect Windows systems.

This free, limited time offer expires 10 May 2023.
Free Download →
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