G-D00XZP85S3 Effective Ways to Treat Asthma or Respiration - KangMus Official
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Effective Ways to Treat Asthma or Respiration

Hello wassap gaes :)
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The respiratory tract is the most important organ in life. 

Because the respiratory tract is a way of access to and out of oxygen through oxygen that we breathe through the nose and then go down the throat and fill oxygen in the heart. But if there are disturbances in breathing, the performance of our organs is not optimal because there are obstacles to supply oxygen to the entire body.

 Therefore we must be clever in maintaining the health of our bodies, one of which is the respiratory organ. If you are the type of person who has a disease or symptoms of shortness of breath, then do this to prevent and treat asthma at the same time proven effective without side effects.

EASY WAY CHEAP - CAN EITHER ASMA and respiratory distress

15 sheets of mango leaves that are not too old, choose healthy mango trees that are not exposed to chemical fertilizers

Squeeze squeeze and boil with 3 cups of water so 1 cup Drink while still rather hot.

 Use a stainless-pot (not aluminum) pan Cook over low-medium heat.
Drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before eating. morning afternoon Evening ).

Please practice yourself, good luck and get well amen. Thank you :)

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