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The sun is a solar system created by God on earth that is always spinning all the time without stopping. 
The sun also plays an important role in the lives of humans, plants and animals on earth.
 The sun has a million benefits for humans, plants and animals especially, because the sun is the biggest source of life besides air (oxygen co2) and water. 

Below we have prepared an important information which is summarized in 

1. Assist the drying process 

  For the benefits of this one, no Needless to say, we all have us know for sure. With heat the sun, we can dry the clothes that we wash and benefit if we also take advantage of excess the sun to help the process drying crackers, salted fish, as well assist in the harvesting process salt. 
  The sun also helps the process the formation of clouds by evaporating watery surface so that the water evaporate and crystallize to form cloud. After the clouds are formed, the sun continue to light it and make it melting back into natural events which we call rain.

2. Regulate the solar system

 Because the sun is the center of order the sun, then the planets and satellites have evolved while rotating around the sun. Why is that? This is because by the attractive gravitational force of the sun planets such that the planets evolve around it and form the order of the solar system that we call galaxies Milky Way.

 3. Help us rest more well 

Some sources mention that if someone is exposed to sunlight for approximately 6 hours every day, individual it will be fresh in the evening, especially if the individual is exposed to light the sun in the afternoon. 
Whereas after evening, late at night, individual will feel sleepy along with they are exposed to lights or lights made in other ways that make them feel sleepy, so you can rest well.

4. Act as an analgesic or reliever pain

Various studies conducted by universities, especially universities the west has reached a discovery that sunlight can also be used as a painkiller. 
Research show that the patient is postoperative who was exposed to the sun in his care room feel more comfortable and not easy stress and feel less sense sick compared to patients who are his room is not exposed to sun exposure.
 Patients can also skimp a little consume less relievers pain.

5. Help burn fat

 The benefits of the sun for life are the other is helping to burn fat.
 The fat in question is not only fat which is under the skin tissue, but also fat that will eventually lead to heart disease and cholesterol. 
Fat will slowly decay and also keep a variety of diseases due to fat.
 In addition, sunlight also being researched because there are assumptions that the sun can maximize metabolic function of the body

Apart from all the problems above, it is always to spread and give the best smile to everyone around us, whether it's family, friends or relatives. Because your smile is a happiness for all who see. If you think this article is useful it would be nice to share this important information with everyone including all friends on your social media :) thank you

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