G-D00XZP85S3 One Million Content of Health Benefits of Long Beans - KangMus Official
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One Million Content of Health Benefits of Long Beans

Long beans can be a type of vegetable eat raw and in vegetables for supplement rice, but also many benefits for it our body ... Long beans are a type of plant often made vegetables or vegetables by most of the people in Indonesia.

Long beans are found in many places in Indonesia and often encountered in everyday cooking.

   Good at though as stir or as fresh vegetables. Although the name is very popular, however not many of them understand and know the various nutritional content and the nutrients in these vegetables.
  Even though long beans have a lot Enough vitamin and mineral content high and beneficial for health and can also be used as a medicinal ingredient medicine to treat several diseases.

To find out the nutritional content and benefits of long beans, the following some benefits of consuming long beans that are rich in vitamins for health and growth for the body.

Source of protein: 

In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contains 8.3 grams of protein ... Long beans become one of the sources good vegetable protein to fulfill protein needs in our body every day: 

1. Reducing depression

 2. Maintain body cells

 3. Maintaining heart health 

4. Strengthens new tissue cells

 5. Helps the formation of the fetus

 6. Boosts immunity

 7. Supports body metabolism

 8. Produces energy in the body 

9. Balancing hormone production

 10. Improve skin health, hair and muscles 

Vitamin B complex:

 In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contains: - 146 mcg of folate (37% requirement) - 0.2 mg of thiamine (14% requirement)
- 0.1 mg of vitamin B6 (5% requirement) 
- 0.1 mg riboflavin (4% requirement) 
-0.4 mg of pantothenic acid (4% requirement)
 -0.6 mg of niacin (3% requirement). 

1. Producing energy 

2. Healthy nervous system and body

 3. Good digestion 

4. Hair and Nail Health

 5. Maintain levels of cholesterol healthy The content of B complex vitamins are contained in long beans useful is important to fulfill nutritional needs for the body.

 Vitamin B complex has an important function inside producing energy and nerves in the body. In general, a deficient body B vitamins are characterized by fatigue and lack of energy. Contain Fiber: In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contain fiber that reaches 4 grams or meet 14% of daily fiber needs body.

The fiber in the beans is deep form of pectin which is a soluble fiber so it is very good to help keep blood sugar levels stable, and Fat metabolism is also normal.

 1. Smooth digestion 

2. Prevent constipation 

3. Maintain body weight 

4. Prevents strokes

 5. Skin health 

Contains Calcium:

  In every 100 grams of boiled beans Contains 42 mg of calcium (4% requirement) body daily. Calcium is an important mineral for the body as :

 1. Helps bone formation 

2. Maintain dental health and strengthen teeth

 3. Optimal function for nerves and muscle

Containing Iron: 
  In every 100 grams of boiled beans contains 2.6 mg of iron (15% needs) daily body. Iron is an important component beneficial for health such as:

 1. Helps the formation of enzymes for various reactions in the body 

2. Assist the formation of components main form of red blood cells

 3. Helps strengthen muscle cells

 Contains Magnesium: 

In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contains 98 mg of magnesium (25% needs) daily body. 
Magnesium is a component useful for: 

1. Maintain healthy bones and teeth 

2. Maintain the nervous system and muscles

 3. Control the activity of enzymes in the body

 4. Good for diabetics

5. Maintain heart health 

Contain Manganese:

 In every 100 grams of boiled long beans containing 0.5 manganese (24% requirement) body daily. Manganese is a component important role in the body such as: 

1. Important for enzyme activity

 2. For carbohydrate metabolism

 3. Maintain joint health

 4. Maintain bone health

 5. Maintain skin health 

6. Control blood sugar

 7. Prevent free radicals

 8. Prevents epilepsy 

Contains Phosphorus: In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contains 181 mg of phosphorus (18% needs) daily body. Phosphorus plays an important role in the body as:

1. Supply energy

 2. Helps the formation of bones and teeth

 3. Maintain digestive health

 4. Formation of protein

 5. Maintain brain health 

6. Improve body cells 

7. Overcoming fatigue and muscle weakness

 8. Helps kidney function 

9. Maintain Hormone Balance

 10. Help increase energy and body metabolism

 11. Smooth urination process (urination) 

Contains Copper (cu): 

In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contains 0.2 mg of copper (cu) (11% needs) daily body. Copper plays an important role in the body as:

 1. Smooth blood cell production

 2. Running the nervous system 

3. Maintain the immune system 

4. Strengthens the heart

 5. Build metabolism

6. Regulate the amount of cholesterol and glucose.

 7. Prevent osteoporosis

 8. Prevents anemia 

9. Helps the health of the fetus (pregnant women) 

10. Prevents skin pigmentation 

11. Prevent thyroid abnormalities 

12. Smooth out the oxygen system

 13. Absorbs iron

 14. Antioxidants 

Contain Potassium: 

In every 100 grams of boiled long beans Contains 315 mg of potassium (9% requirement) body daily. Potassium plays an important role in the body as: 

1. Regulate blood pressure 

2. Muscle contractions

 3. Bone health 

4. Kidney health 

5. Fluid balance 

6. Improve nervous system function 

7. Prevent stress

 8. Improve brain function 

9. Maintain heart health

10. Increase body metabolism 

Contains Zinc: 

 In every 100 grams of boiled long beans Contains 1.1 mg of zinc (7% requirement) body daily. Zinc plays an important role in the body as: 

1. Regulate Immunity 

2. Treating Diarrhea 

3. Overcoming Colds

 4. Heal Wounds

 5. Benefits of Zinc for Children

 6. Prevents senility 

7. Prevents senility 

8. Become an Antioxidant 

9. Nourish Hair 

10. Optimizing Reproductive Functions 

11. Influencing the Learning Process and Children's Memory

 12. Make Eyesight Become More Sharp

 Contains Selenium:

   In every 100 grams of boiled long beans contains 2.8 mg selenium (4% needs) daily body. Selenium plays an important role in the body as: 

1. Antioxidants and counteract free radicals

 2. Good for sperm production

 3. Able to control lupus symptoms 

4. Prevent cancer

 5. Maintain the cardiovascular system

 6. Prevent cataracts

 7. Prevent infection from this type of virus

 8. Reduces dandruff

 9. Prevents premature aging 

10. Prevent heart disease 

11. Control your mood and level depression

 12. Maintain immunity and endurance 

13. Maintaining brain health

 14. Control the process of reproduction 

15. Anti-inflammatory. 

  Lots of benefits derived from consume long beans .
New recipe findings from China, for who have diabetes mellitus, no need not bother to go treatment again everywhere, just blending: 

Ingredients : 

- 12 long beans 1 pcs of red tomatoes How to make : 

1. Wash long beans and tomatoes red, then long beans and tomatoes red cut pieces 

2. Mix the two ingredients, then di blender 

3. Drink immediately and finish it 2x a day. 

   Morning and evening Please check your blood sugar level tomorrow its day and straight down.
 Already a lot which proves its effectual without food restrictions again .Please share, hopefully it can be useful for relatives, friends and friends who has diabetes. 
From now on let's be diligent consuming long beans for vegetables got the benefits contained in in its. 

Hopefully this information is useful and can be help us in overcoming problems health.

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