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What Is Xbox Game Pass? Everything You Need to Know

If you are a big console or PC gamer, it might be worth buying Xbox Game Pass. This is a digital subscription service that gives you access to an ever-expanding catalog of over 250 games, plus exclusive discounts and deals.

You can buy Xbox Game Pass for console and PC. There's also a subscription tier called Xbox Game Pass Ultimate that supports Android phone and tablets from the cloud.

We're going to explain everything you need to know about Xbox Game Pass, including what games you get and how much it costs.

What Is Xbox Game Pass?

Xbox Game Pass is a subscription service from Microsoft. It launched in 2017 for Xbox One and in 2019 for PC.

Xbox Game Pass gives subscribers access to over 250 games, and the library is constantly changing. You simply pay a monthly fee and you can play as many of those games for as long as you like until your subscription expires, or the game leaves the library.

There are three types of membership: Console (Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S), PC (Windows 10), and Ultimate (which includes both console and PC games, along with cloud gaming on Android phones and tablets).

All memberships include:

  • Access to an evolving library of over 250 games for PC/Xbox
  • Xbox Game Studios titles available the day they release
  • 20% discount when buying a game in the Game Pass library
  • 10% discount when buying related game add-ons

Is EA Play Included With Xbox Game Pass?

Electronic Arts has its own games subscription service called EA Play. This grants you unlimited access to some of the company's most-loved games, like The Sims 4 and Star Wars: Squadrons.

You also get early access to select new EA releases for up to 10 hours of play time, plus a 10% discount if you decide to purchase the full game.

EA Play is included in the PC and Ultimate memberships of Xbox Game Pass, for no additional cost. It's also available separately direct from EA, if you don't want the other benefits of the Xbox Game Pass.

What Is Xbox Game Pass Ultimate?

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is the top tier membership. Along with all the aforementioned benefits, it also includes:

  • Xbox Live Gold membership, which offers Deals with Gold, Games with Gold and console multiplayer
  • Free game perks, like weapon or character skins
  • Occasional early access to new games
  • Play games on your Android phone or tablet through the cloud

After you join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, you can still redeem any Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass codes that you have. These convert based on an exchange rate that is subject to change. Currently, one month of Gold or Xbox Game Pass gives you 20 days of Ultimate.

Related: Xbox Game Pass vs. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate: Is It Worth Upgrading?

What Games Do You Get With Xbox Game Pass?

There are hundreds of games included in Xbox Game Pass. These include Xbox 360 games (to be played on the Xbox Series X/S or Xbox One, as Game Pass isn't available for the 360), Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One games, and PC games. Some games are compatible with both Xbox and PC.

Some classic Xbox 360 games included are Viva Piñata, Fable III, and Mirror's Edge. All great experiences that you can still enjoy to this day.

Modern Xbox consoles have awesome games like The Outer Worlds, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and Dirt 5.

PC gamers can experience titles like Torchlight III, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and Sunset Overdrive.

Those who have purchased the Ultimate pass get access to all the games above, along with those which are available for both Xbox One and PC. This includes games like Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, and ARK: Survival Evolved.

Remember, the games available change often, so it's not guaranteed that your favorite game will remain available via Xbox Game Pass.

When Are New Games Added to Xbox Game Pass?

There's no set schedule for when new games get added. Microsoft simply state that they "are added all the time." However, it is a guarantee that Xbox Game Studio titles will be available at launch. This includes all the subsidiary developers like Mojang, Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Rare, and Double Fine.

Unlike something like PlayStation Plus, where the monthly games forever remain in your library as long as you're subscribed, Xbox Game Pass only lets you play those in its current catalog. As it can remove titles over time, if you're halfway through one, you'll have to purchase it in order to carry on playing. Microsoft offers discounts on titles affected by this.

How Much Does Xbox Game Pass Cost?

Xbox Game Pass bills on a monthly basis and you can cancel at any time. Pricing will vary per region, but these are the costs for those in the US.

The Console pass costs $9.99/month. For the PC pass, you can currently buy the first month for $1, with subsequent months charged at $9.99/month.

The Ultimate pass costs $14.99/month, which offers both PC and Xbox games, an Xbox Live Gold subscription, and other goodies. If you own both platforms and want to play online on console, the Ultimate pass definitely offers the best value, especially considering Xbox Live Gold costs $9.99/month alone. You can also get Ultimate at $1 for the first month.

Where Is Xbox Game Pass Available?

Xbox Game Pass is available in the following countries:

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States.

However, there are some restrictions. For example, in Russia, membership is only available for purchase from local retailers or third-party online sellers.

Additionally, cloud gaming isn't available in many countries. You can find full information on the Xbox Supported Countries/Regions page.

While Xbox Game Pass is available in a lot of major markets, it's still missing from many lucrative countries, even those that can buy other gaming services. Reasons for the restrictions could be technical limitations, licensing agreements, or local laws.

How Do I Buy Xbox Game Pass?

The best place to buy Xbox Game Pass is through Microsoft's websites for Console, PC, and Ultimate. Although you can buy codes through other stores, generally you're going to get the best value from Microsoft directly.

To play PC games, you will need to have the Xbox app, which you can instal through the link above, and the latest version of Windows 10.

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You can download Xbox Game Pass app for Android or iOS, though this is an optional companion piece that lets you see which games are available and remotely install them to your Xbox.

If you have an Android device and are an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate member, you can use the app to play games directly on your phone or tablet through the cloud.

Related: How to Use Xbox Game Pass on Your Android Device

How Do I Cancel Xbox Game Pass?

By default, Xbox Game Pass will renew automatically every month. If you want to stop this or cancel your membership entirely, it's simple.

Go to account.microsoft.com and select Services & Subscriptions > Xbox Game Pass > Manage > Cancel subscription.

Alternatively, you can adjust your membership from this page, like changing your payment method or bulk buying months of Game Pass upfront to get a discount.

Related: How to Cancel Your Xbox Game Pass Subscription

Microsoft Isn't Playing Games With Sony

If you have time to play lots of different games, Xbox Game Pass is going to be really worthwhile. Not only do you get access to modern hits, but a wide back catalog of classics as well.

While Sony has a similar service in PS Now, Xbox Game Pass blows it out of the water thanks to multi-device compatibility, price, and the range of games available.

source https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/what-is-xbox-game-pass-everything-need-know/

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