G-D00XZP85S3 Strawberry Can Prevent Cancer and Anemia - KangMus Official
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Strawberry Can Prevent Cancer and Anemia

      Strawberry Can Prevent Cancer and Anemia

 As reported by the Iranian news agency, Fars, at some culture, strawberry symbolizes love and sensuality even considered to have aphrodisiac properties or chemicals used for stimulate sexual power.

 Medically, strawberry is considered to have cleansing properties, due to a combination of laxative and diuretic action. This fruit too used to cleanse the blood. Strawberry is also believed to give effect soothes the skin and is very beneficial treat sunburn, inflammation and insect bite. 

Strawberry is considered a super food because full of nutrients, rich in vitamins A and C, rich in substances iron and minerals, magnesium, and potassium calcium. In fact, because of the vitamin content C is very high, iron on strawberry can be absorbed very good so it's good for prevention and treatment of anemia and fatigue.

Strawberry contains more vitamin C compared to oranges. And only contains 27 calories in 100 grams strawberries, absolutely non-fat. By because of that strawberry can be a snack suitable for diet, as long as no additional cream. 

Strawberry contains a substance called Ellagic acid, which can help fight cancer and degenerative diseases, while vitamins A and C help stop the damage caused by free radicals. 

Strawberry is also rich in soluble fiber pectin, which is helps in the elimination of cholesterol. This is combined with nature powerful antioxidants, make them very effective for heart disease and blood circulation.

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